The Telugu original Upcoming drama series Brinda has piqued interest for several reasons. this series introduces Trisha Krishnan in her first OTT release. Trisha is a versatile and talented actress who portrays a character with significant depth. The show also explores critical social issues from a unique perspective, promising a thought-provoking narrative. Brinda's character is particularly intriguing as she balances being an introverted individual, and a police officer, adding layers to her persona. The show is one of the highly anticipated shows and explores a gripping tale. Trisha Krishnan's outstanding performance captures the heart of the audience.
Trisha Krishnan talks about her character
Talking about her character, Trisha Krishnan says, More than introverted, Brinda is a certain way because of the pain and trauma she carries from her past. So they tried to convey that through her eyes and many moments throughout her series. She is a human, just like anyone. A human Being goes through a myriad of emotions in their journey of life. It was fun because even though Brinda is introverted and stoic most of the time, there are circumstances where the little girl in her comes out and she has moments of anguish and outbursts.
Brinda's versatile cast