Brinda is a high-intensity action-thriller that weaves together suspense, drama, and intense confrontation in a way that simply ties one to a strong storyline. The film leads with the story of one fierce police officer: to take down a crime syndicate, while the corruption has gone deep into its roots. With Trisha Krishnan in the lead and ably supported, Brinda weaves an action-packed yet emotional tale with a fight for justice into an engrossing addition in the action-drama genre. Above all, the social relevance of this thriller becomes more with its theme of exposing the system for corruption and bringing about justice.
Brinda Plot
Brinda is a serious Telugu action thriller that narrates the story of Brinda, a hard and determined police officer enacted by Trisha Krishnan. The movie deals with Brinda taking up a strong criminal syndicate that has been indulging in unabashed crime in the city. As she digs deeper, she unleashes a web of corruption, which moves upwards to influential politicians, wealthy businessmen, and even to her own police force. Her fight against crime then is no longer purely a fight against the crime itself, but a fight to cleanse from corruption a system that protects and empowers such criminals. Brinda-her persona is defined by her unwavering firmness in resolve and sense of justice. The film elaborates personal episodes of Brinda; her mission exposes her and her loved ones to danger. The stakes get higher with every move she makes, and explosive confrontations with pulse-pounding action sequences result in exposure of her vulnerabilities.
Brinda Cast Performance