One of the popular streaming platform Sony LIV has recently released a new teaser for its much anticipated series, Freedom At Midnight. The show is explores a pivotal period in India's history. This book, inspired by Dominique Lapierre and Larry Collins' famous book, describes the political and emotional journey leading up to the arrival of India in 1947. This is a gripping political thriller that relives one of the great losses and challenges that marked the dawn of independence of the nation. The show is generated immense buzz on the internet ahead of its release. The fans are eagerly excited to watch the show online in their comfort Zone.
Talking about the show, the director and showrunner Nikhil Advani stated, Freedom and Peace is one of the most powerful examples of Indian history. This show is based on previous research and reflects the sentiments and political developments of those times. It takes an in-depth look at major historical figures, developing each character well, allowing the actors to really step into their roles. The stories are not just about politics, but also reflect the meaningful experiences, emotions and challenges that shaped an era and left a lasting impact on the country. His paintings are intended to depict not only the strategic story of independence, but also individual stories, emotional upheavals and the great personalities who played a role during this era.