One of the highly anticipated romantic drama series Pehla Pyaar has generated immense buzz among the audience ahead of its release. The narratives explore the enchanting experience of first love, often attributed to chemicals like dopamine and oxytocin. The web show will be set to premiere on the streaming platform SonyLIV. The OTT platform SonyLIV is set to release its highly anticipated teaser. Despite the statistical odds of less than one percent success, viewers are keen to know if Murli Sharma's first love will triumph.
The romantic love story series is started on 5th August on the streaming platform SonyLIV. Every new episode will be premier every Monday to Friday. The makers promise to the audience to captivate the viewers with their unique take on young love. The streaming platform SonyLIV unveils the teaser of their upcoming love story Pehla Pyaar. They say the feeling of first love is truly magical and pure and driven by chemicals like dopamine and oxytocin. But there is only less than a one percent chance of success. But there is a strong feeling for the person and it's true and pure.