Directed by Soojit Sikar's 2015 film Piku features Amitabh Bachchan, Deepika Padukone, and Irrfan Khan is now made its OTT debut. The film is now available on the OTT platform SonyLIV TV. The film features Deepika Padukone Amitabh Bachchan and Irrfan Khan as the key role holders, The movie beautifully depicts the relationship of the Father-Daughter duo. Piku gets positive feedback from Viewers as well as from critics. The film made its theatrical release on 8 May 2015. Today, the film completed its 9 Years in the Industry. On this day, Deepika Padukone shared a special post on her Social media handle. Now if someone has missed out on watching this film, watch it on The OTT platform SonyLIV.
Piku Now clocks 9 years and streams on OTT
Soojit Sikar's directorial Film Piku completed its nine years. On this special Day, the makers announce its OTT release on The streaming Platform Sony LIV. The film is all about a relationship between a young daughter and an aged father duo, they live in a cosmopolitan city. The story is all about how Piku and her father deal with each other conflicting ideologies, while they are fully aware that they are each other's only emotional support.
Deepika talks about to work with Big B and Irrfan Khan
In an Interview, Deepika says that Piku's character holds a special place in her heart. The actress also reveals her experience working with Amitabh Bachchan and Irrfan Khan in Piku. She stated that she is aware of the fact, that she will be opposite these two incredible people what makes for great collaboration is when you are not competing with your co-stars and you are reality genuinely invested in telling a good story and that's what we are there to do. She doesn't think Irrfan was trying to be one-up on Mr. Bachchan and he was trying to be one-up anymore. It was a beautiful collaborative process and they are invested in giving their best.
About Piku
Piku is a Sooji Sikar film that features superstar Amitabh Bachchan, Deepika Padukone, and Irrfan Khan as the key role players. The film was released in theaters in 2015 and is now available to stream on the OTT platform SonyLIV on 8 May 2024. The film is all about the story of Father and Daughter.