Directed by the ace director E Niwas, one of the much-awaited crime thriller drama series Tanaav is now all set to gear up for the release of its second installment. The thrilling show captures the attention of the audience and receives immense love and praise. The first season of the show was a massive hit and now the makers treat the fans with its second season. The Tanaav Season 2 show is directed by Sudhir Mishra and E Niwas and produced by Applause Productions and Applause Entertainment. Recently in a media introduction, the director E Niwas opened up about the challenges they face in shooting in Kashmir.
E Niwas stated, that filming in Kashmir requires meticulous planning due to its complex terrain. Despite these logistics terrain, he reveals that capturing the region's beauty is essential for the story. The commitment to portraying both the scenic beauty and underlying tension of Kashmir demanded full dedication from the team. He further added the process was simple. He tries to just to the emotions of the script written. Cinematically, you have to do justice. This season a lot is going on in each of the characters' arcs and their interpersonal relationships.