Undekhi Season 3 is the third installment after two successful seasons of the crime thriller drama. The promised a gripping storyline that keeps the audience hooked to the screen. The third season revolves around the Atwals reinstating their power which brought back a nasty game. Past Misdeed comes to light, Shedding light on family connections and the ties that bind them. the tension and furor that was present in its first season has considerably dipped here.
Undekhi 3: Plot
The show is a murder crime thriller drama. It starts with the murder of a young innocent woman. This incident haunts the patriarch of Sundar Singh Atwal Aka Papaji till date. After that a video clip of him acts in the resurface, Leading his nephew Rinku and and son Daman collect to protect him once again. DSP Barun Ghosh once again wants to bring justice to the dead girl. But will Papapji finally get his punishment?
Undekhi 3: Performance
The series has an ensemble star cast and all give outstanding performances. Harsh Chhaya portrays the role of Papaji in the series and gives a powerful impact performance. Surya Sharma essayed the role of Rinku which also provides a gripping energy to the story. Daman's character could have been explored even more. Anchal Singh portrays the role of Tej, who beautifully manages to gain interest in her role.
Undekhi 3: Final Verdict
The Ashish Shukla directorial Undekhi 3 has a great beginning and fairly a good ending. The series captivates the audience with its gripping storyline. All the cast delivered astute writing and top-notch performance, This season might seem stretched to some who like engaging yet crispy stories. The crime thriller series generated significant buzz on Social media. Undekhi 3 is the third installment after two successful seasons.