Bollywood actress Bhagyashree's daughter Avantika Dasani will start acting in 2022. The actress entered the world of Web Show with Rohan Sippy's web show, Mithya. Avantika played the role of Rajaguru in the show. Avantika is known for her versatile acting skills and Charming persona. With her outstanding acting skills the actress is won the million of the hearts. After the success of the first season, Mithya was nominated for the second season. False: During the publication of this Darker chapter, OTT took advantage of Avantika. The actress revealed why she chose Mithya as her character debut project. The actress is now gearing up for the release of the season 2 of Mithya.
In an exclusive chat with us, Avantika revealed why she decided to launch her brother with ZEE5 serial Mithya. The actress cited her acting as a major reason for making this web show. "I think Riya's character is very entertaining. Especially as an actress, one hopes that she gets to do something like this once in a while in her career. I was very excited by the idea that I could do this for myself. We look and wear a lot of things," she said. Avantika came forward and talked about the strange nature of her tenants. The practice I get from people is that when they come, they leave us and they sit at the edge of their seats wondering what they are going to do now. And this is the way Avantika looked at her tenant. Sister-in-law found it romantic to play such a role for her first project.