Maeri is a new intense OTT drama series on Zee5. It is the tale of a mother's indefatigable fight to prove that justice is indeed worth her while when the court of law fails her. Here, the protagonist, Maeri, is tested with a very harsh situation as when the child becomes a victim of an unjust world; even the authorities become careless about it. To regain what is lost and gain the revenge she has to pursue, Maeri must traverse the lines of morals while making sense of family, justice, and revenge.
Powerful themes, like the strength of maternal love, moral dilemmas during pursuit of justice, and the personal cost of fighting corruption, are dealt with on this show. With Maeri taking matters into her hands, her journey now takes on dimensions of resilience, defiance, and determination. The entire series moves on a rollercoaster of suspense with Maeri's quest; her emotional and physical sacrifices for what she believes is right have been aesthetically derived.