The Marathi film Yek Number directed by Raajesh Maapuskar is all set to debut on ZEE5 on 8th November. In the film, which aims to combine romantic and strategic themes, Dhairya Gholap plays the role of Prataap, a village boy with strategic aspirations and is played by Sayalee Paatil. please move, pinkee. The story comes at a time when Prataap is faced with moral and strategic challenges while trying to defeat Pinkie and deal with complex social situations.
Yek Number's creator, Varda Nadiyaavaala, said, “We are excited to partner with Zaiai5 to bring this powerful story to a wider audience. Yek Number is a symbol of capturing millions of hearts, and we are partnering with such a dynamic team. The experience of actor and visionary director Rajesh Mapuskar has been amazing. The story of the film has just begun, and we are looking forward to what happens next as we look forward to sharing this incredible story with even more viewers through the medium of ZEE5.